Thursday, July 21, 2011

An Obsession With Eyes

 I think just about everyone that knows me knows I have a slight obsession with eyes. I love them in all forms, from art to the eyes of one Joe Flanigan ;) What can I say? I have know idea where it came from, but I'd never want it to go away =] I love drawing them and painting them... As you can plainly see =}
 Sir Bat
 The King and I
 The Artist has a crazy eye for color

So enjoy my eyes and if you perhaps want your own just drop my a line!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Taste of The Wildlife

 This is one of my largest animal pieces and my first Tiger. I painted her on a canvas that is 4'x4'. To this day she is still one of my favorite pieces.
 Fish are another topic I love to paint with all the brilliant colors and interesting shapes. This one is a watercolor greeting card.
I did this painting as a yearly donation to a charity auction. The expression is always the hardest, but I think I did pretty good on this one.
 Another donation to the same charity, "Voices of Africa" The one is titled "It's time to Wake Up"
This piece was one of the hardest pieces I've done, not in difficulty, but emotionally. I did this one not long after my Nana passed away. She had asked for a Flamingo painting, but I had planned to do it as a birthday gift...she died before I could paint it...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monster Stickers

I have an addiction to making Monster Stickers. I love to trade them or send to friends, I'll even sell them now and then. It's the making of them that I love. Sitting in front of the TV, I'll have a sheet of sticker paper in front of me and Sharpies beside me. It's there that the monsters emerge, the monsters dancing around the room begging to be drawn!!! There's one now, only he wants to be paint I will. Maybe one day you'll find one of these monsters in your home ^_^

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Here Goes Nothing

I never thought in a million years I would start my own blog. Computers for me are a very scary thing. I've been told by many artists that it's a great way to be seen and to showcase my art. So here goes nothing ;)

My name is Dawn Elaine, the oldest in my family. I've been painting since I was 19 in OAC art, in a tiny school in Smithville Ontario. My teacher, one Liz Lancaster, showed me I had the ability to paint within me. Now all I can think about is painting. I paint everything from wild one eyed monsters to portraits to wildlife to anything that catches my interest that month.

I'll be posting my creations here, some of which will be for sale, others that will come with stories, others to show just what I can do when my mind drifts off into other planes. I'll also have guest artists and maybe even some life stories.

Hope you like what you see and please feel free to comment, critique, or just tell me your story :)

Here's a taste of what you'll see in the Many Faces of Dawn Elaine :)